If the COVID-19 pandemic taught the world anything, it’s how essential a strong internet connection has become in our everyday lives. Through this difficult period, we also learned just how many people do not have access to this basic need. Since we got started back in 2003, it’s been our mission to end the digital divide. As we’ve become more aware of limited access across our communities, we’ve become even more committed to expanding our fiber footprint and ensuring fair and affordable connectivity is available to all.

We are excited the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has launched a long-term plan to help make the internet more accessible. The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) provides qualifying customers a $30 per month discount on any of our ALLO internet packages. Those who live on tribal lands or who participate in certain tribal-specific programs are eligible for a $75 per month discount on any ALLO internet service option.

There are several ways to qualify:

  • Tiene un ingreso igual o inferior del 200% de las pautas federales de pobreza
  • Participa en programas de asistencia como: SNAP, Medicaid, Asistencia Federal de Vivienda Pública, SSI, WIC o Lifeline
  • Participa en programas específicos de tribus, como la Oficina de Asistencia General de Asuntos Indígenas, TANF tribal o el Programa de Distribución de Alimentos en Reservas Indígenas
  • Está aprobado para recibir beneficios bajo el programa de almuerzo escolar gratuito o de precio reducido o el programa de desayuno escolar, incluso a través de la Disposición de Elegibilidad Comunitaria del USDA en los años escolares 2019-2020, 2020-2021, o 2021-2022
  • Recibió Beca Federal Pell durante el año de concesión actual

The Affordable Connectivity Program is replacing the FCC’s temporary Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) Program established in 2021. Existing ALLO customers enrolled in the EBB Program will continue to receive their discount through 1, 2022. To keep things hassle-free, we will automatically move customers who qualified for EBB to the ACP discount with their current ALLO service. Please note, households who qualified under the income requirement will be asked to re-apply through the ACP registration site.

We are thrilled to support this FCC program. We know that ACP will assist many of our customers and keep our ALLO communities connected. To learn more about program requirements and apply online, please visit the FCC website. Once you’re registered with the FCC, choose the best ALLO speed to meet your needs on our website.