Qualifying customers that sign up for the Community Connect Program will receive 50 Mbps internet service at a rate of $10 per month. This program is available for residential-only current customers and non-customers in communities where ALLO provides service.

To qualify for reduced-rate Community Connect service, your household must:

  • Have a student actively enrolled in Lincoln Public Schools (LPS). Student must either be listed in the LPS directory or have a valid student ID for the 2020/2021 academic year.
  • Although the family does not need to be enrolled in the program, they must meet the eligibility criteria for the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Lifeline program.
    • You are eligible for the FCC Lifeline program if your household is supported by any of the following:
      • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as Food Stamps
      • Medicaid
      • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
      • Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA)
      • Veterans Pension and Survivors Benefit
      • Tribal Programs (and live on federally-recognized Tribal lands)
    • Your household is also eligible for the FCC lifeline program if your household income is 135% or less than the federal poverty guidelines. The guideline is based on your household size and state. To obtain your eligibility confirmation, you must submit proof of income, in the form of three consecutive pay stubs or a tax return to the FCC. See if you qualify here: https://nationalverifier.service-now.com/lifeline

After submitting proof of Lincoln Public School enrollment and eligibility for the FCC Lifeline program to ALLO, ALLO’s $45 service will be discounted to $10 from the following funds: $5 discount from ALLO, $20.75 from the Nebraska Public Service Commission through the NUSF-92 Grant, and $9.25 from the FCC Lifeline program.

DISCLAIMER: Customers who are currently using the FCC Lifeline discount of $9.25 toward their home or cell phone will not receive an additional $9.25 discount. Instead, these customers will be billed $19.25 monthly for the 50 Mbps ALLO service. The Community Connect Program does not include ALLO’s TV service. TV service must be purchased at the standard price.

Non-customers who do not demonstrate eligibility for discounted ALLO service prior to installation will be billed $45.